Elementary OS Loki: changing keyboard layout with Super+Space
(Sorry for my russian english 😸)
Today i installed Elementary OS 0.4 Loki and was a bit stunned by fact, that i unable to set “Super+Space” (aka Win+Space) as next input source hotkey. Here’s several steps to make it work:
At first, install some required packages:
sudo apt install dconf-tools xdotool
Then, we should disable Slingshot opening by Super+Space
Open dconf-editor and find org->gnome->desktop->wm->keybindings
Find panel-main-menu and replace <Super>space with something different. I just removed Super+Space hotkey from there lefting only Alt+F2, so now it looks like:
Then, create new custom hotkey
Open Keyboard in Settings app and create custom hotkey attached to any key combination (we cannot use Super+Space from this window, so we’ll change it later with dconf-editor) with this command:
xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift && xdotool key --clearmodifiers ''
Where Alt+Shift is your current hotkey to change layout
And finally, we should set our new hotkey to Super+Space
Open dconf-editor and navigate there: org->gnome->settings-daemon->plugins->media-keys->custom-keybindings->customN
Where N is the number of your custom hotkey (just check all or latest one)
And change binding to this:
Now you can change your keyboard layout by pressing Super+Space! 😻